Tim NGEBAR, Agen Rahasia Liburan Seru dan Menyenangkan
Tim NGEBAR, Agen Rahasia Liburan Seru dan Menyenangkan |
Astagfirullah... Tim NGEBAR itu yang dicafe-cafe itu ya? yang banyak wanita berbusana setengah jadi itu ya? yang lampunya bikin pusing kepala ya? *Ini baru mau dijelasin, belum sesi tanya jawab Somat. Ikan Hiu makan tomat, buru-buru amat.
Tim NGEBAR itu sebuah Adventure Event Production yang dengan pelayanan sepenuh hati menyediakan jasa pelayanan buat kamu yang kurang piknik. Ini juga bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat meminimalisasi drama saat bikin agenda dengan sobat-sobat kamu. Walaupun masih pada sibuk kerjaan, ada Tim NGEBAR yang selalu siap sedia kok. Pokoknya terima beres. Kapan lagi, jalan-jalan ke hutan terus nemu Coffeshop disana. Kalo engga Tim NGEBAR, tidak bisa seperti itu loh. Jadi, pokoknya bisa diandalin banget deh. Dijamin, Kamu akan merasakan pengalaman manakjubkan yang lain daripada yang lain.
Bisa jadi dalam bentuk eksplorasi alam atau aktifitas outdoor seru lainnya. Kalo mau minta tersedia Coffeshop dilokasipun pasti siap sedia kok. Asal jangan minta lengkap dengan Sofa dan TV LED nya aja.
Tim NGEBAR, Agen Rahasia Liburan Seru dan Menyenangkan |
Join Praktik Tim NGEBAR?
Mau coba service Tim NGEBAR? Gampang banget kok. Kamu cukup menghubungi kontak admin di instagram official Tim Ngebar (@ngebarberkomunikasi) guna mengkomunikasikan rencana kegiatan mulai dari peserta, tempat, waktu, dan biaya. Tim NGEBAR akan membantu menyusunkan proyeksi acara yang Anda butuhkan. Solutip pokoknya.
Lokasinya? Tidak hanya di Kabupaten Batang aja kok, Kamu mau NGEBAR di kota kamu juga kok. Kabupaten manapun, negara manapun, atau Planet Mars sekalipun bisa juga loh. Asal sudah disurvey dan terverifikasi dan atas persetujuan bersama Tim NGEBAR... wkwk.
Mau kelompok besar? mau kolaborasi dengan kelompok lain buat ngadain Ngebar? semua beres kok. Atau mungkin yang lebih privat, untuk teman kantor, rekan bisnis, bahkan sampai ekslusif khusus keluarga juga bisa terlaksana kok. Tim NGEBAR memberikan pelayanan yang fleksibel dan adaptif sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu kok.
Kalo ngomongin tarif, disini sangat fleksibel. Fleksibel disini bukan berarti tanpa aturan dan acuan ya, senua pasti sudah terproyeksi jelas dan gambalgn. Semua akan diputuskan dengan kesepakatan dan kesediaan kedua belah pihak. Jadi unsur komunikasi sangat diutamakan disini.
Tim NGEBAR, Agen Rahasia Liburan Seru dan Menyenangkan |
Mohon diperhatikan ya, Tim NGEBAR tidak menjamin kepuasan anda. Karena Tim NGEBAR bukan alat pemuas. Sekali lagi, bukan alat pemuas. Tapi kalo kamu mau pengalaman yang unik, menyenangkan, lain daripada yang lain, Tim NGEBAR lah jawabannya.
NGEBAR Team, A Fun and Exciting Vacation Secret Agent
Astagfirullah ... The NGEBAR team is the one in the cafes, right? the many half-dressed women huh? which lights make headaches huh? * This just wants to be explained, not yet the question and answer session of Somat. Sharks eat tomatoes, so hurry.
The NGEBAR team is an Adventure Event Production that wholeheartedly provides services for those of you who don't have a picnic. This can also be the right solution to minimize drama when creating an agenda with your friends. Even though they are still busy at work, there is a NGEBAR Team who is always on hand. Anyway, get it right. When else, take a walk to the forest and find a coffee shop there. If the team doesn't crash, it can't be like that. So, the point is that it is very reliable. Guaranteed, you will experience another amazing experience than others.
It could be in the form of natural exploration or other exciting outdoor activities. If you want to ask for a coffee shop in the location, you will definitely be ready. Just don't ask for it complete with a sofa and LED TV.
Join NGEBAR Practice Team?
Want to try the NGEBAR Team service? It's really easy. You only need to contact the admin contact on the official Instagram of the Ngebar Team (@ngebarberkomunikasi) to communicate the activity plans starting from participants, place, time, and costs. The NGEBAR team will help compile the event projections you need. Sol quote the point.
The location? It's not only in Batang Regency, you want to NGEBAR in your city too. Any district, any country, or even Planet Mars you can. Originally surveyed and verified and with the joint approval of the NGEBAR Team ... wkwk.
Want a big group? Do you want to collaborate with other groups to fight Ngebar? everything is fine. Or maybe something more private, for work friends, business partners, even family-specific exclusives can also be done. The NGEBAR team provides flexible and adaptive services according to your needs.
When it comes to rates, it's very flexible here. Flexibility here does not mean that there are no rules and references, yes, everything is projected clearly and clearly. All will be decided by agreement and the willingness of both parties. So the communication element is prioritized here.
Please note, the NGEBAR team does not guarantee your satisfaction. Because the NGEBAR Team is not a satisfying tool. Again, not a satisfying tool. But if you want a unique, fun, different experience than others, the NGEBAR Team is the answer.
ahh.. jadi pengen liburan juga mas hehee