Dalam Rangka Belajar Jadi Blogger, Dari Semarang Menuju Purwokerto Bagian 2 (Indonesia & English)
Purwokerto, 28 Juni 2019
Lesehan Jahe Susu Mbah Ao sedia nasi bandem khas Purwokerto |
Lesehan Jahe Susu Mbah Ao |
Aneka menu di Lesehan Susu Jahe Mbah Ao |
Selalu rame oleh penggemar sego bandem |
Travellers Couple Notes
Semua ini akan lebih nikmat jika kamu menikmati lezatnya Sego Bandem ini dengan couple kamu. Selain memiliki citarasa yang khas ala kuliner Purwokerto, makanan ini juga ekonomis. Jadi kamu bisa dengan tenang (sok jagoan) dan bilang : "Biar aku saja yang bayar".
Setelah selesai urusan dengan Sego Bandem, lanjut ke Hotel Grand Karlita, Menginap Di Salah Satu Hotel Favorit Turis Di Purwokerto
In Order To Learn To Be A Blogger, From Semarang To Purwokerto Part 2 (Indonesia & English).
Purwokerto, June 28, 2019Favors and Uniqueness of Purwokerto Rice Bandem Khaserto - Good evening, After almost 5 hours on the train journey, finally my body can move freely after the trip. After a long journey, it is best suited directly to the culinary night of a typical Purwokerto night. Bang Pradna, a blogger friend from Purwokerto immediately suggested to stop by to taste Nasi Bandem Khas Purwokerto.
We arrived at Mbah Ao, a ginger milk dish, which turned out to be one of the favorite places for Nasi Bandem hunters (not hunters of your heart). There are various variants of the menu, ranging from Nasi Bandem, various fried foods, fried sausages, satay, and also vegetables. While the drinks, ranging from the most extreme everywhere, water, sweet tea, coffee, and most certainly of course ginger milk.
Confused it was decided to choose what menu tonight, after a long trip the stomach immediately rumbles. To be sure, Mbah Ao Rice Bandem and Ginger Milk is still a mandatory order.
Bandem rice itself, if in Semarang and other regions it might look like a Rice Kucingan. A kind of rice wrap, whose portion is one-quarter of one whole portion (that's about it). It is called Bandem rice because, the rice is about the size of a bandem, or once a throw. The Purwokerto area is more identical to the name Sego Bandem. It's really special, it's different from the rice rice I've consumed so far (what is it because of the reporter?). A menu that must be tried, for those of you who are traveling to Purwokerto.
Travelers Couple Notes
All of this will be more enjoyable if you enjoy the delicious Sego Bandem with your partner. Besides having a distinctive culinary style in Purwokerto, this food is also economical. So you can calmly (pretentious) and say: 'Let me pay for it'.After finishing with Sego Bandem, proceed to Karlita Grand Hotel, Staying at One of the Favorite Hotels for Tourists in Purwokerto
Wah, jadi penasaran sego bandel nih 😄
BalasHapusSego Bandem mas :)
HapusSego Bandem mas yang bener
BalasHapusWah bener banget, terimakasih :)
HapusWah, jadi pengen ke purwokerto nih. Terimakasih infonya
BalasHapusWah, dijamin engga nyesel dah kalo ke Purwokerto. seru abis
Hapuswah. ternyata ini jawabannya. aku baru paham kalo bandem itu yang dimaksud lemparan.. hehe terimakasih
BalasHapusBener banget kak, jadi ya sebutannya gitu sih. kalo porsinya sih sebenernya lumayan banyak. cukup lah kalo buat bandem mantan haha :v
HapusBedanya sama nasi kucing apa sih. Banyak mana, hahaaa
BalasHapusSama wkwkwk
Hapuscuman beda porsi dan sebutannya sih,
kalo nasi bandem kan bisa buat bandem, kalo nasi kucing? hati2 aja ke cakar.. wkwkwk :v